Saturday, 12 April 2014

A Bit of Self Indulgence...

I've been feeling a bit under the weather this last week, so in an attempt to get my creative juices flowing and make myself a little get well pressie, I made a rhubarb and custard cake...

Not like any cake I've made before but definitely worth it as it's delicious ;)

Here's the recipe if you want to have a crack yourself...

Rhubarb & Custard Cake

Serves 8

400g rhubarb, trimmed and cut into bite-sized pieces
2 Tbs caster sugar
1 pear, lightly poached and chopped
250g/9oz unsalted butter, softened
250g/9oz caster sugar
4 eggs
250g/9oz self-raising flour, sieved
1tsp baking powder
icing sugar to dust
200ml ready made custard

1.  Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/180˚. Add rhubarb and caster sugar to a pan. Heat gently until rhubarb softens. Add poached pear and put to one side to cool.

2.  Beat butter and caster sugar until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating in between each and adding a little flour as you go. Then fold in the remaining flour and baking powder.

3.  Stir in the rhubarb and pear and slowly fold in the custard. Pour the cake batter into a prepared 8” loose bottom, spring-form cake tin. Put in the oven for 1-1½ hours (cover with foil if it starts to colour too much). Test to see if it’s cooked by inserting a skewer; if it comes out clean, it’s cooked. If not cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, leave for 10 minutes then loosen around the edge of tin with a knife and release spring. Leave to cool before removing from the tin. Dust with icing sugar, slice and serve. 

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