With the website now complete AND live! yup that's right www.thebuttonprincess.co.uk IS open and ready for business...uh huh, oh yea!!!
Anyway I digress...now the website's under my belt the next thing on my "to do list"...I'm a big one for lists!!! was a little jaunt over to Bletchley to a couple of gems of shops I've discovered on my travels.
The first was to Fabric World, which I am the first to admit does not set the world ablaze at first sight from the front of the shop BUT is a positive Aladins cave where fabric and haberdashery is concerned. It reminds me of how material shops used to be back in the olden days...when I say "olden days" I mean the 70's and early 80's when you could find fabric shops on the high street...now I am afraid they are like hens teeth.
Fabric World was recomended to me last year when I was doing a sewing class. Mama Button and I took a trip down to investigate and I must say, I thought I'd been sent as a joke but once inside....well let's put it this way...we were in there for nearly two hours!!!
If Fabric World don't stock it, you don't need it or it never was made in the first place!!!
The purpose of my trip on Saturday was to get a new covering for craft fair stalls. With the website, I've undergone a bit of a re-branding/make-over so I wanted to get a grey/silver covering to tie everything in. It was a painfull experience to say the very least but after my third attempt taking a bolt to the counter, I got what I wanted...watch this space for photos of my first re-branded craft fair on Saturday 7th September (details on the website).
My second stop in Bletchley was to Homespun Crafts. Again a little gem on Queensway. For such a little shop it packs a punch and is like a craft department store.
It was a flying visit as I'd been in Fabric World for much longer than I'd planned to be and I had a train to catch. I did manage to pick up a few bags of freshwater pearls in gorgeous greys and golds...teh golds have already made their way onto some necklaces I made yesterday. I also got some super glam crystal and pearl shanked buttons which I have already turned into rings...they'll be going into stores this weekend and on the website later in the week.
For your information Homespun Crafts are having a mega sale this week...EVERYTHING, yes EVERYTHING in store is HALF PRICE or 50% off. The sale ends on Saturday 31st August.